Peaceful Packers Llamas


Love, Peace + Joy to All





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Curley Sue earned her PACH

in October 2014



Picture of Sue with her



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Curley Sue + Jim won 1st place in NEBCA Novice Novice on 7/26/2014


Joshua, a Maremma puppy, came to Judah Farm on July 4th, 2013.

He will help Sweetie, our Kuvasz, protect our sheep flock from coyotes.

Maremmas are a livestock guarding dog, bred in Italy for centuries to guard large flocks of sheep on the plains and in the mountains. Other Old World breeds with similar temperament are the Great Pyrenees in France, the Komondor and the Kuvasz in Hungary, the Tatra in Poland, the Shar-Planinetz in Yugoslovia, the Anatolian and Akbash in Turkey, and the Tibetan Mastiff in Nepal and Tibet. The Maremma lives day and night with its flock, the white coat mimics the white fleece of the sheep. Guardian dog breeds were developed at least 2,000 years ago to take responsibility for keeping a sheep flock safe from wolves and other predators.





Joy - sheepherding










Curley Sue - sheepherding








Resources in Christian Faith (at right)


Bible Prophecy Insights (short videos)

Accuracy of Bible Prophecy

Signs of Jesus?Return

Bible Prophecy and the Rapture

Bible Prophecy and Technology

Bible Prophecy + World Politics

Bible Prophecy + the Dry Bones

Related Topics + Book of Enoch

Mystery of the Shemittah


On the first Sunday of October, the world will focus prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. This year, on October 2, 2014, more than 300,000 churches in 175 nations will pray for the fulfillment of God's purposes and the peace of His holy city, Jerusalem.

Psalm 122, v6-9: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 揗ay they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, and security within your towers.?/span> For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say, 揚eace be within you.?/span> For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.


  Music of Praise to God
  GoD and DoG
  SOS Estates
  Vision for Israel - Barry + Batya Segal
  Pastor David Jeremiah at Shadow Mountain Church
  Grant Jeffrey Ministries
  Andrew Wommack Ministries
  Charis Bible College
  Ravi Zacharias
  Derek Prince, US + International + Sermons
  Joyce Meyer Ministries
  Kathryn + Tom Ruonala at Glory City Church
  Bishop T. D. Jakes at The Potter's House
  Pastor James MacDonald at Harvest Church
  Pastor Alistair Begg at Parkside Church
  Pastor John Hagee Ministries
  Azusa Street Revival
  Pastor Creflo Dollar Ministries
  Pastor Kerry Shook Ministries
  Pastor Bill Purvis at Cascade Hills Church
  Pastor Robert Morris at Gateway Church  +  Blessed Life Ministry
  John Paul Jackson at Streams Ministries International
  Pastor Ron Phillips at Abba's House
  Marilyn and Sarah at Orchard Road Christian Center
  Joseph Prince Ministries
  Bill Winston at Living Word Christian Center
  Watchman Nee - Life, Writings + Teachings
  Zola Levitt Ministries
  Pastor Brian Houston at Hillsong Church
  Perry Stone at the Voice of Evangelism
  Pastor Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church
  Pastor Jessie Duplantis Ministries
  Johathan Cahn at Beth Israel Worship Center + Hope of the World Ministries
  Pastor Chip Ingram at Venture Church
  Lamb and Lion Ministries
  Hal Lindsey Report
  Smith Wigglesworth Sermons, etc.
  Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation
  John Hagee reviews the four Blood Moons of 2014 + 2015
  Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
  Bible Gateway - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Bible Studies:




            Name of God

                      Harmonics of Three

                 Hebrew Studies




Pictures of Sandy, Joy and Sue at

NEBCA NE Sheep Herding Finals

in September of both 2012 and 2011

  What to do if you were left behind.  
  Curley Sue






  Photos by Sandy Judah Farm Living with our Dogs Love, Peace + Joy to All  


Our Llamas + Sheep



















Jesse + Sheep

What happens when our Katahdin sheep notice that the llamas have left some feed in one of their buckets?  





Thank  you  for  visiting  Peaceful  Packers  Llamas,  Jim and Sandy Lockwood - call us after 6pm Eastern Time, 607.724.4808

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