Packers Llamas
Joy + Love to All
This page is a resource that we use for Christian bible study. We have
developed some of the information on this page and we have borrowed information
from other studies which are freely available. Our intent is to provide a study
resource that we can access when traveling. We do not disagree with anyone's
personal interpretation of scripture and our thoughts are not offered as an
argument for the perspective from our understanding of this revelation. Please
feel free to read or use the study material if it is of help. Thank you - Love,
Peace and Joy
Hebrew Studies - Lesson #5
Conversational Hebrew
A. Thank you very much
"Thank you"
in Hebrew is "Toda"
"Very much"
in Hebrew is "Raba"
Thank you very much =
Toda raba
דבﬣ |
ﬨוּדﬣ |
raba |
toda |
very much |
thank you |
B. Hello or Good-By
or Good-Luck Or Best Wishes = Shalom
Shalom means Peace ... though also much more:
The Hebrew word Shalom is derived from the word Shelomoh which means "God of
To say Shalom in Hebrew is to invoke a blessing from God.
If we consider the ideogramic
meaning of the individual Hebrew letters in the word Shalom,
we see the conceptual images of
the individual letters mean something like: "to overcome the authority
that maintains chaos"
a pretty good definition of peace
- use Shalom to say hello or good-by
C. The Hebrew word
for heal is pronounced RAPHA
The letters are ALEF
- PE - RESH which in sequence mean strength - mouth - head.
Healing requires
your head to believe (RESH), your mouth to confess (PE) and strength (ALEF)
The Hebrew word
for relax (RAPHAH) is a little different but similar to RAPHA (heal)
The letters are HA
- PE - RESH which in sequence mean behold the grace - mouth - head
Relaxation requires
your head to believe (RESH), your mouth to confess (PE) and grace (HA)
The Hebrew word for
reproach (KHERPAH) is again, a little different, however similar to RAPHAH
The letters are HA
- PE - RESH - CHET which in sequence mean behold the grace - mouth - head
- fence
Reproach is
essentially a "fence" between a person and relaxation which is the root of
In Genesis chapter
30, verse 23 Rachel uses the Kherpah when she states that her reproach is
removed. Note that Jesus uses a similar context in the Gospel of John, chapter
8, verses 10-12 in the encounter at the temple with the mob that wishes to stone
the woman caught in the act of adultery. Here He does not use condemnation
(reproach) - rather he tells her He shall not condem her and He tells her to go
and sin no more. The "shall
not" or in some translations "nor shall I", of this scripture
passage in the Gospel of John is a double negative in Greek - the
literal translation is "no not ever"; in the same area of the Gospel
of John, actually it is right after this verse that Jesus
states: "I am the light of the world ... the light of life". The covenant of the
law brings condemnation (reproach) because it only defines the difference, that
is the gap,
between God and man. Man cannot ever bridge that gap - the purpose of the law
(e.g. ten commandments) is to demonstrate to man that the only solution for
reconciliation with God is with God not through any efforts which a man may
attempt. The covenant of the law helps us to see the fence (CHET) which separates man
from God just as the CHET in KHERPAH defines the fundamental difference between
reproach and relaxation which is the root of our healing. You can see Kherpah
used again in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, chapter 17, verse 26 where
David speaks of reproach. Again, reproach is like the letter CHET in KHERPAH -
reproach is a fence between us and God. As Christians we have the free grace
provided by Jesus' death and resurrection which bridges that gap between us and
There is a connected
concept in the New Testament Epistle of Paul to the Romans, chapter 6, verses
"We know that Christ, being raised
from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.
The death he died, he died to
sin, once for all; but the life he lives, he lives
to God.
So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God
in Christ Jesus."
Note that the term
"once for all" or in some translations "once and for all" is the Greek word
ephapax - definitely an emphasis on "once". Jesus did not die under the power of
sin, rather he died (once) to eliminate the condemnation, the imputation, the
guilt, the penalty, for our sins - past, present and into the future. He did
this on the cross for us who believe that He is God and is raised from the dead
as a testimony, a guarantee, a witness of this promise to those who believe in
Him and
call Him Lord and Savior. If we continue on in Romans, chapter 6, to verses 12
and 13: "Therefore,
do not let sin exercise dominion in your mortal
bodies, to make you obey their passions.
No longer present your members to sin as instruments of
wickedness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from
death to life, and present your members to God as
instruments of righteousness."
The phrase "do
not let sin exercise dominion in your mortal bodies" within the context provided
by the previous verses means "not by our own efforts" and the Greek word for
instruments is actually "weapons" - our physical bodies become weapons for
righteousness to provide healing, comfort and the Gifts/Fruits of the Holy
Spirit who indwells the Christian. Note the continuation of this scripture
(Romans, chapter 6) to verse 14:
"For sin will have no dominion
over you, since you are not under law but under grace." The grace purchased for
us by Jesus on the cross has removed all condemnation for the sin our life -
because this condemnation is removed so is the fear which separates us from God.
It is this grace that enables our "body members" to be "weapons" of righteousness
against the ramifications of sin in our world: sickness, broken relationships,
stress, etc.. Note that for Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, the initial
ramification of their sin was to fear God and they hid from Him because of the
condemnation which came upon them through that sin.
One final verse in this dialog on
healing, relaxation and reproach is the New Testament Epistle 1 Peter, chapter
2, verse 24: "He
himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so
that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds
you have been healed." As Christians, we are free form sin so that we might live
for His righteousness and we are healed.
Our understanding of
Rapha (heal) and Raphah (relax) come from a teaching by Joseph Prince.
D. There is a Hebrew
word often translated from the Old Testament as: to dwell or to inhabit -
pronounced: SHAKEN
Though there are
other Hebrew words also translated as to dwell or to inhabit - SHAKEN has a some
what special meaning as it carries with it the connotation of taking up
residence for a long time with some one (like a husband and wife) or a group of
people (like buying a house in a neighborhood). Take Solomon using the word
SHAKEN at the dedication of the temple at Jerusalem in the Old Testament book of
1Kings, chapter 8, verse 27: "will God ... dwell (SHAKEN) on earth ... heaven
and earth cannot contain Him ... how much less this house ... " . Another good
example is found in the Old Testament book of Isaiah, chapter 57, verse 15: "
... thus says the high and lofty One ... who inhabits (SHAKEN) the high and
lofty places ... I will revive ... those of a contrite and humble spirit ... "
A Hebrew word based
on SHAKEN ( שכוּ
) is SHEKINAH: שכיבﬣ
SHEKINAH is spelled
in different ways depending on the source and is an ancient Hebrew word not
found in the Old Testament. It is a term often used in the Talmud and has made a
migration into many Christian commentaries over the last two thousand years.
Where SHAKEN is a verb to dwell or inhabit with a connotation for a protracted
period of time, the literal meaning of SHEKINAH is a noun which defines a
presence or dwelling.
SHEKINAH is used to
describe the visible, tangible, manifestation of God - that is the Divine
Presence, the Shekinah Glory of God. Moses at the burning bush, the cloud and
pillar of fire over the Israelites during the forty years in the desert, God's
glory filling the Tabernacle and the Temple of Solomon, the tongues of fire at
Pentecost - the list is much larger. While Shekinah Glory is not an actual Old
Testament reference there is a statement which is equivalent: "Glory of the Lord
Some related
scripture references for the Glory of the Lord (YHWH):
Exodus, chapter 13,
verses 20-22:
leaving Sukkoth
they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert.
By day the Glory of the Lord went
of them in a pillar of cloud
to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light,
so that they could travel by day or night.
the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left
its place in front of the people.
Exodus, chapter 24,
verses 15-18:
When Moses went up on the mountain,
the cloud
covered it,
and the glory
of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai.
For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the
Lord called to
Moses from within the cloud.
To the Israelites the glory of the
Lord looked like a consuming fire
on top of the mountain.
Then Moses entered the cloud as he
went on up the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty
days and forty nights.
Exodus, chapter 34,
verses 29-35:
When Moses came down from Mount
with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands,
he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the
When Aaron and all the Israelites
saw Moses, his face was radiant with the
glory of the Lord, and
they were afraid to come near him.
But Moses called to them; so Aaron
and all the leaders of the community
came back to him, and he spoke to them.
Afterward all the Israelites came
near him, and he gave them all the commands
the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.
When Moses finished speaking to
them, he put a veil
over his face.
But whenever he entered the
presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he
came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded,
they saw that his face was radiant.
Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with
the Lord.
Isaiah, chapter 60,
verses 1-5:
shine, for your light
has come,
and the glory
of the Lord
rises upon you.
See, darkness
covers the earth
and thick darkness
is over the peoples,
but the
Lord will rise upon you
and his glory will appear over you
... nations
will come to your light ...
to the brightness of your dawn ... lift
up your eyes and look about you ...
come from afar ...
look and be radiant ...
heart will throb and swell with joy ...
to you the riches of the nations
will come.
Zechariah, chapter
2, verses 8-11:
the Glory of the Lord ... you
(are) the apple of his eye
I am coming,
and I will live among you,”
declares the Lord ...
many nations will be joined with the
Lord in that day and will become my people.
I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me
New Testament Book
of Acts, chapter 2, verses 1 - 4:
When the day of Pentecost
came, they were all together
in one place.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of
a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were
They saw what seemed to be tongues
of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
All of them were filled with the
Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues. ...
E. The word Hope can be either a
verb (e.g. I hope) or a noun (e.g. The Lord is our hope) - in Hebrew these are
two different words.
The Hebrew word for hope as a verb
(e.g. I hope) is Tikvah (pronounced teek-VAH with an emphasis on the
second syllable)
The Hebrew word for hope as a noun
(e.g. The Lord is our hope) is Seber (pronounced say'-ber with an emphasis on
the first syllable)
F. Phrase: "Blessed is the Lord" ... pronounced: BA-RUCH
ﬣשם |
ברוּד |
Lord |
Blessed is |
Baruch Hashem (Blessed is the Lord) is a common Hebrew
expression indicating that "everything is fine". It is a frequent response to
"How are you?" or "How are you doing?" - note that because Jewish folks do not
speak the Name of God they often find close approximations - in this phrase the
word Hashem has the literal meaning: self-existent or eternal. Note verse 26
from Psalm 118: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We have
blessed you from the house of the Lord."
G. In Hebrew the greeting "Welcome" is a variation on
on the use of BA-RUCH and is two separate greetings - one for an individual and
one for multiple people
Welcome, in Hebrew, expressed to an individual is BA-RUCH
ﬣבﬡ |
ברוּד |
Welcome |
arrival |
Blessed is |
to a
single person |
Welcome, in Hebrew, expressed to multiple people is
ﬣבﬡים |
ברוּכים |
Welcome |
arrival |
Blessed is |
more than one person |
H. A good expression is: The heavens declare the glory
of God.
ﬡל |
כבוּד |
םםפדים |
ﬣשםיﬦ |
El |
ke-vod |
me-sap-rim |
Ha-sha-ma-yim |
of God |
the glory |
declare |
The heavens |
I. The Hebrew word for congratulations is mozel-tov.
בדכוּח |
mozel-tov |
congratulations |
J. To many folks the Hebrew word Torah is the name for
the first five books of the Old Testament - those five books written by Moses
through the inspired grace of God. For Jewish folks, the meaning is this plus
they interpret the meaning of this Hebrew word as "teaching" - that is the
direct teaching of God to them as His chosen people. We agree and find many
references within the written Word of God to support this. The Hebrew word Torah
( תוּרﬣ)
actually comes from the Hebrew root word Yarah (
) which means to "throw" or "point the way (direct)" or "shoot an arrow".
Reviewing the root word is helpful for a better understanding of Torah when we
also look at the Hebrew word for sin - Chata ( חטﬡ
). Chata has the literal meaning: "to miss the target".
As Christians, we accept these meanings of Torah (
and can also look at one more level of meaning - that is
the meaning of each letter:
Letter |
Name of
Letter |
meaning of Hebrew Letter |
ת |
וּ |
ר |
ﬣ |
HA (or
HEY) |
So the meaning of Torah ( תוּרﬣ)
is a reference to the five books of revelation from God
which were written by Moses, it is also the "teachings" that are God's word to
man (all people) through which we can understand the holiness of God and what is
necessary to maintain relationship with God - if you like, the mark we are
to"hit" to maintain relationship with God - though, as Christians, we can note
that this revelation originates within the context of the covenant which God
made with the people of Israel and we are now under the covenant of Grace which
has come to us through the life and death of Jesus Christ.
For the Christian, Torah ( תוּרﬣ)
is a wonderful reference for our understanding of God's holiness however it is
Jesus Christ who has established and maintains our relationship with God. In
addition, if we then consider the meaning of each letter in the Hebrew word
Torah ( תוּרﬣ)
- the understanding of Torah is "what comes from the man nailed to the cross".
Note this scripture reference: Psalm 119, verse 34;
בנלנ |
וּﬡשםרתד |
תוּרﬣד |
vechollev |
veech merema |
Torah |
with all my heart |
I will observe it |
Your teaching |
וּﬡצרﬣ |
רבינני |
לד |
techa |
veetzra |
Havineni |
I will
treasure |
understanding |
Give me |
The Hebrew word Hanukkah is similar to Torah (teaching)
Both words come from the same root: Chetnumkaf
The Hebrew word Khinukh (education) also comes from
this root.
K. We have
been doing a bible study on
"bread" looking at the word as a
single communication to us in
both the Old and New Testaments.
Note the words of Jesus in the
Gospel of John, chapter 6,
verses 32 - 40:
Then Jesus said to them, “Very
truly, I tell you, it was not
Moses who gave you the bread
from heaven, but it is my Father
who gives you the true bread
from heaven.
For the bread of God is that
comes down from heaven and gives
life to the world.
They said to him, Sir, give us
this bread always.
35 Jesus said to them, I
am the bread of life. Whoever
comes to me will never be
hungry, and whoever believes in
me will never be thirsty.
But I said to you that you have
seen me and yet do not believe.
Everything that the Father gives
me will come to me, and anyone
who comes to me I will never
drive away;
for I have come down from
heaven, not to do my own will,
but the will of him who sent me.
And this is the will of him who
sent me, that I should lose
nothing of all that he has given
me, but raise it up on the last
This is indeed the will of my
Father, that all who see the Son
and believe in him may have
eternal life; and I will raise
them up on the last day.”
There are
also two verses to consider in
Paul's first letter to the
Christian church at Corinth:
Corinthians chapter 11, verses
23 + 24: "... the Lord Jesus ...
took bread ... he gave thanks
... he broke it and said: This
is my body which is broken for
you ... do this in remembrance
of me"
Corinthians chapter 10, verse
17: "because there is one bread,
we who are many are one body,
for we all partake of one bread"
For us as
Christians, Jesus is the bread
of life, it is he, the Word of
God, who came down from heaven
for our salvation , for the
atonement of our sins, for the
health and prosperity of our
lives here on earth and so that
we might be one, as Christians,
that is one body, the body of
Christ. Note the words of God to
the people of Israel in the Old
Testament book Deuteronomy,
chapter 8, verse 3: "one
does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of the Lord"
Looking at
this portion of Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verse 3 in Hebrew:
ﬣﬡדם |
יﬣיﬣ |
לכדוּ |
לחם |
צלﬣ |
לﬡ |
man |
he shall live |
alone |
bread |
on |
not |
The Hebrew word for bread is
pronounced LECHEM - note the letters: MEM-CHET-LAMED
Letter |
Name of
Letter |
meaning of Hebrew Letter |
ל |
Staff or Crook |
ח |
Fence |
ם |
Water |
Jesus is our shepherd, the
door for the sheep and the door grants us access to the "living water" of God's
wonderful grace.
Without developing the images which scripture provides
for shepherd, door and living water - at this point in our study - let's
rather consider the Hebrew root for LECHEM (Hebrew word for bread).
The Hebrew word LECHEM (bread) has the Strong Hebrew
reference #3899 - the meaning can be extrapolated to food in general however
most often foods made from grain and within the Old Testament books it is most
often translated, from context, as grain processed into bread. The Hebrew root
for LECHEM is Strong reference #3898 - pronounced LACHAM - the Hebrew spelling
using the original 3 letters is the same. In modern Hebrew the words are
distinct because of the different vowels used however in our studies we use just
the 22 primary Hebrew letters which the books of the Old Testament utilize so
for both words, that is LECHEM and LACHAM, the original Hebrew spelling is
What makes this curious is the meaning of
LACHAM (the root word for LECHEM which is the Hebrew word for bread) can be
translated in a few Old Testament verses as battle, however the meaning,
interpreted by context, for most instances of LACHAM within the Old Testament is
"to prevail in conflict". Thinking about this for awhile we currently hold the
thought that Jesus made peace between God and man through his life, death and
resurrection - He put an end to the gap which the sin of Adam and Eve created.
He broke the power which principalities had over man because we were separated
from God by sin. Note the angels on the evening of Jesus' birth in the Gospel of
Luke, chapter 2, verses 8 - 14:
In that region there were
shepherds living in the fields,
keeping watch over their flock
by night.
Then an angel of the Lord stood
before them, and the glory of
the Lord shone around them, and
they were terrified.
But the angel said to them, “Do
not be afraid; for see—I am
bringing you good news of great
joy for all the people:
to you is born this day in the
city of David a Savior, who is
the Messiah,
the Lord.
This will be a sign for you: you
will find a child wrapped in
bands of cloth and lying in a
And suddenly there was with the
angel a multitude of the
heavenly host,
praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to
God in the highest
and on earth peace
among those whom he
The joyous peace proclaimed at the birth of Jesus is
not between men - rather it is between God and man.
Therefore it is by our faith in Jesus
Christ that we prevail over all the principalities and powers of this world -
Jesus is the one who actually did this however when we as Christians share
communion we participate in this wonderful attribute of God's glory - that is -
we celebrate the breaking of bread in remembrance of the gift which Jesus gave
to us when his body was broken for our salvation, for the atonement of our sins,
for the health and prosperity
of our lives here on earth and so that we might be one, as Christians, that is
one body - the body of Christ.
A Christian can celebrate communion, with thanksgiving, with members of her/his
local church, in small groups or as an individual. What seems clear from this
study is how important a gift the breaking of bread in remembrance of Jesus
Christ is in our lives.
Jesus Christ is the "Bread of Life: Gospel of John,
chapter 6, verse 35 - pronounced in Hebrew: LECHEM HA-CHEYIM
One additional item that caught our attention during
this study is the location of Jesus' birth: Bethlehem - Hebrew
translation: House of Bread
לחם |
בית |
Bread |
House of |
These are the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet:
ﬡ |
ב |
ג |
ד |
ﬣ |
וּ |
ז |
ח |
ט |
י |
כ |
HA |
HET or
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
OX |
ל |
ם |
נ |
ס |
ע |
פ |
צ |
ק |
ר |
ש |
ת |
PE |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
K. Here is a nice verse from the Old Testament book
Job, chapter 19, verse 25
תי |
בﬡלי |
ידצתי |
וּﬡדי |
chai |
goali |
ya-da-ati |
vaani |
lives |
my Redeemer |
I know |
For |
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