
This page is a resource that we use for Christian bible study. We have developed some of the information on this page and we have borrowed information from other studies which are freely available. Our intent is to provide a study resource that we can access when traveling. We do not disagree with anyone's personal interpretation of scripture and our thoughts are not offered as an argument for the perspective from our understanding of this revelation. Please feel free to read or use the study material if it is of help. Thank you

It sometimes seems that the principles of spiritual redemption and spiritual salvation get interchanged during bible study.It does not seem surprising as both are closely linked to principles for faith and righteousness. From the perspective of our current understanding, spiritual redemption, through Jesus Christ, offers two attributes:

The tread we sometimes follow is: redemption - to - righteousness - to -  justification - to -  faith


Spiritual salvation represents both preservation from trouble/danger and deliverance from sin and its consequences.

 Rom. 4: 4 - 5  

Salvation is received by faith alone

Note also:

Rom. 10: 3

Eph. 2: 8 - 9

Titus 3: 5


Philippians 2: 12 - 13 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling ... for it is God which works in you both to will and to do his good pleasure


Linking spiritual salvation back to faith is sometimes useful for bible study ... James 2: 14 - 26 ... a good passage with emphasis on verse 26: Faith without works is dead ...

Sometimes it is useful to link spiritual salvation back to the 6 core Christian doctrines of Heb. 6: 1 - 2
